Last night the authors of Hazel Moon put on a very successful, one-of-a-kind book launch party complete with entertainment...singing, dancing, and acting as the multi-talented authors pulled out all the creative stops.

Be sure and take a look at the Hazel Moon blog for more information, pics, and videos.
As their publisher, this was also a hallmark of my publishing career. Having nurtured close to 20 promising project over a 20-year period, I've learned just how rare it is for any publishing project to sell more than a few copies.

Writing the book is the easy part. Today, even seeing your manuscript in print or as an eBook on Kindle, is only modestly challenging given today's online publishing digital platforms. Yes, the really hard part is finding an audience.

On that magical day last spring when I had the synchronous good fortune to run into author Lisa Minneti, I just knew she and her sister had what it took to find that audience. Nine months later, last night they proved that my faith in them was not misplaced.

Interesting though, if last night marked the end of Hazel Moon, it would have all been worth it.
It is so so true...some things just aren't about money...