What can I say, Hawthorn Moon is not done and neither are the Storytelling Fairies done encouraging the writing team to keep the project moving forward...yes, another incredible Synchronicity incident today. Having recently completed the final draft edit of author Lisa Anne's initial manuscript, today I was walking past a shelf full of books I haven't looked at for years and years and one book jumped out at me, Jack Kerouac's On The Road.
I pulled it off the shelf, randomly opened it up, began reading down the page, and there it was..."electric refrigerator" one of the unusual references from Hawthorn Moon indicating that November came from a poor family. And, in an even more targeted comment from the Storytelling Fairies, a few lines down from "electric refrigerator" is a reference to a "half-finished manuscript" which is exactly the status of the Hawthorn Moon project.
I've heard even more fantastic stories of books literally jumping off bookstore or library shelves and dropping into the hands of someone in need of the very information contained in the book. My case wasn't that dramatic, but I was clearly moved to pick out that book, open to that page, and there it was...another Synchronicity pat on the back from the Storytelling Fairies!!
Perhaps I do have more in common with my mom than I thought. She would whisper these pat phrases, like you were privy to some fabulous secret. One of her favorites was, Some women dream of Gregory Peck, some women dream of Glenn Ford, I dream of a refrigerator with Tupperware.
I was little when she would talk about the refrigerator we never got. I told dad in a whisper once that if we ever got one I wanted to live in it, but not that ugly lame green, it had to be a pretty one—harvest gold. Dad’s eyes brightened as he replied, “If you get cold in the fridge, you should wear a sweater the color of tangerines.”