During a rare meeting in person, one of Heritage Press's favorite authors, Lisa Anne, stopped by to talk shop and work on her manuscript for Hawthorn Moon; the much anticipated sequel to her debut acclaimed novel, Hazel Moon. The pic above shows her first novel and the first half of Hawthorn Moon, 30,000 words of storytelling gold...a worthy sequel to Hazel Moon! For you serious writers out there, we also talked about ways of finding a wider audience for Hazel Moon before launching Hawthorn Moon.
It seems every writer has their own pace at which the words for their story find the printed page. For Lisa Anne, her writing cycle appears to be about seven to eight years. It's never an easy process, and yet for most writers the process is the primary reward and so has to be cherished and appreciated. Her characters come to life on the pages of her writer's notebooks, they talk to her, collaborating on how to tell their story.
The author is hoping to complete Hawthorn Moon during 2022 and Heritage Press is looking forward to setting a publication date and attending her book launch party!