Well, if you've been following these blog posts about the Storytelling Fairies you'll understand, but today another miraculous guided Synchronicity...
Let me explain...Heritage Press operates out of the Mocha Lisa cafe and I have an arrangement with the baristas that every day they bring me an Espresso with some latte art that they create. Today the barista brought me...
The delightful latte art snowman I took a picture of with my phone and as I do every day, I sent it to the author of Hawthorn Moon, Miss Lisa Anne Minneti. But I wasn't done, I usually follow that up with a GIF, went into my phone, and found a GIF of an animated snowman...I didn't know that it was a famous fantasy character, Olaf, but I sent it along with the latte art pic to Lisa Anne.
Seconds later, she texted back with..."I HAVE TO BE OLAF, THAT SNOWMAN, TOMORROW!!"
Again, let me explain, Lisa, along with her sister, Lori, perform as fantasy characters for parties and apparently Lisa was scheduled to be Olaf tomorrow at a kid's party!!!
So, what are the odds that I would randomly first be given a latte art of a snowman, randomly text her a GIF of Olaf, not even knowing who Olaf was, and have her text me right back (which she almost never does) with the revelation that she was playing Olaf tomorrow!
Thank You Storytelling Fairies for caring so much about Hawthorn Moon that you would take the time to orchestrate this magical pat on the back, keep up the good work encouragement!