Among the things I love most about working in the publishing field are the constant surprises that come up as a project is being shaped. When a manuscript is being prepared for publication, understandably the editor, publisher, and authors are focused on the story and so when things happen in the real world outside of the fictional world of the story, but that seem to be directly connected to that world, it's hard not to notice them. I'll pose the question again...do they represent mere coincidence, or, is it possible that the Magic of Synchronicity has somehow connected the two worlds. I'll let you be the judge.
Last Wednesday I was working on a book trailer for Hazel Moon when I looked out the Starbucks window to see a traveler with his dog. I won't call him homeless because he was moving from town to town, carrying his "home" all his belongings, in a large backpack. He had a dog with him that he rescued while passing through Chicago. Instead of feeling sorry for him, I felt envy. He was free and completely at peace with the world. All the affection he needed was coming from his trusty four-legged companion. I'd never seen anything like this pair before. From the story of Hazel Moon, this man and his dog pointed directly to the carny proprietor of the Lizard Shack, Luke Castle and his dog, Sonny!
Okay...not impressed...well the very next day I went to the State Fair and what did I come across, the fair's version of Luke's Lizard Shack, complete with a large snake, which was also featured in the story scene dealing with Luke meeting November for the first time!
But there was more...the Hazel Moon Music Festival attracted a carnival complete with rides and a midway. One of the rides mentioned in the book was the Zipper. Yep, there was a Zipper ride at the fair!
What can I say...the authors who penned Hazel Moon have made me a believer in the Magic that's all around us...if we only open our eyes in faith!
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