What could possibly account for all the remarkable guided incidents of Synchronicity that seem to be swarming around not only my Hazel Moon project, but as one of the main themes of Hazel Moon point out, Magic is there for anyone to grab hold of...but you do have to Believe in Something...as author Lisa Minneti recently said to me.
We were meeting at my Starbucks office to both finish up the remaining edits for the release of her book and to go over her notes for the beginning of the sequel, Hawthorn Moon. We were only hours away from the rising of the 2015 Hazel Moon, a supermoon that only comes around once each 14 months. The stage was set for more Hazel Moon Magic when I walked up to the Starbucks entrance and parked right in front was a midnight purple Camaro. Now, in the book set in 1984 November's car is a classic '69 midnight purple Camaro!
I find it fascinating to note that whatever this unseen force is, it is not perfect. I didn't see a '69 Camaro, but rather a newer model, and yet I've been going to this Starbucks for years and never saw this car before. But, the Universe of Magical Possibilities was not done. Look at the license plate. The tag, also rare not to have numbers, was LILO...and our authors names are Lisa & Lori...LILO!!! Now ask yourself, what are the odds seeing a license plate like this at any time, but consider it is only hours away from a full Hazel Moon and only a few hours away from the printing of the first book!!
I mentioned in an earlier blog that Lisa and I had been reading the same book, Siddharthha by Hermann Hesse. She happened to show me her copy and on the inside cover was the imprint of Washington Park Media Center...and I went to Washington Park High years before Lisa acquired the used book...Connections!

The rock picture is a piece of tourmaline...featured in the book. In an early scene, November stopped at her apartment to pick up a dress for Angela for the music festival they were going to. Worried about needing protection from dangerous spirits, November picked out a piece of tourmaline for the magic color it had in it. The actual rock above was given to me by author Lisa Minneti who just happened to bring three samples and let me pick out the one that was meant for me. I picked out the one above!! Life imitating Art imitating Life...

And, again, if all that weren't enough, a young Tony Robbins came into the cafe and first Lisa, then I noticed him and his gift for reaching out to people. I invited him to ask Lisa some questions about the book to give her some experience with an author interview. Besides asking excellent questions, when the subject of the magic mentioned throughout the book and all the magic surrounding the publication of the book came up, he actually referenced The Law of Attraction as providing some basis for understanding what was happening. The more we were focused on the book and the story and the characters the more we Attracted Connections related to the story.

Another remarkable day in the life of the publication of Hazel Moon!
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