Monday, December 27, 2021

Nirvana in the News...

What's so special about Nirvana being in the, yes, more amazing Synchronicity from the Storytelling Fairies...

For the past few weeks this editor has shifted storytelling gears from Hawthorn Moon to Shave Slowly and yes, some amazing coincidences have been occurring, but today, within hours of learning that the Hawthorn Moon author, Lisa Anne, was going to show up at my Mocha Lisa Heritage Press cafe office to work on her manuscript, something she hasn't done in a couple of years, Nirvana is back on a global news network.
Lisa's writing alter ego is the Peanut's character, Miss Helen Sweetstory.

I get home, turn on the TV, Amanpour & Company is on, PBS, and who is featured, Nirvana's drummer, David Grohl, pitching his new book, yes, believe it or not, titled, The Storyteller! Now, I only watch a few minutes of Amanpour each day out of the daily hour broadcast, and this interview would likely never air again...Synchronicity Magic!!

You may recall that the band Nirvana is the central musical focus of Hawthorn Moon, whereas the band from England, Echo and the Bunnymen, was featured in Hazel Moon, Lisa's first novel. The unlikely series of connections had all the hallmarks of the Storytelling Fairies. Now, let me pose this question, is this kind of magic only happening to me?
Of course not. Even in David Grohl's interview, he talked about being devastated when Kurt Cobain killed himself, gave up music, couldn't pick up an instrument, fled to the wilderness of Scotland, but depressed and driving down an empty road, he sees someone walking, out in the middle of nowhere, and decides to pick him up...that person was wearing a Kurt Cobain T-Shirt...need I say more.
Think about anything magical like this happening in your life and please do share it on this blog!
David realized that he couldn't escape and instead turned back to his form of storytelling...founded The Foo Fighters...and 16 Grammy Awards later, his book.



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