10/26/22 Update...Just completed editing the Second Edition, finalized the new cover, and ordered a proof! For all you writers out there, a second pair of editorial eyes is always a good idea. In my case, I sent a proof copy to one of Sister Aceto's friends at her residence, the Siena Center, and asked her to send me any typos she finds. So, in a few weeks her memoir should be authorized to be published!
I'd settled into my usual spot at Mocha Lisa, about to resume my current most pressing Heritage Press project, author, Ron Kranig, was about to break a case open connected to the book I published for him, A JUDAS KISS FOR JUSTICE, when I looked on the deck and saw a familiar face.
Sister Lois Aceto had just turned 91 and was celebrated in her hometown, Racine, and in our greater Southeastern Wisconsin area for her selfless volunteering. I first met her back in the late '50s when she was Sister Giovanni, my beloved 4th Grade teacher at St. Mary's Catholic School.
When I saw her picture and story in our local Journal Times newspaper, and learned she'd written a book, I went online to buy one, saw that it was $83 new and $30 used, I knew it was out of print, and so, being a publisher I contacted her and offered to resurrect her book, putting it back in print.
So, that was the background when I looked out on the Mocha Lisa deck and saw Sister sitting there! Hopefully, within a month her book, the chronicle of her legacy as a Force for the Greater Good...a lifelong Servant of God's Glory, will be back in print!
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